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What is the size of the printed area of the photographs?
21cm × 29.7cm (A4*): The printed area is 241mm × 192mm
30cm x 40cm: The printed area is 351mm x 281mm
40cm x 50cm: The printed area is 475mm x 380mm

*My photographs are mostly 5×4 aspect ratio, but not all the print sizes are a 5:4 ratio. Because of this, the boarders on each print are not equal. This is most evident on the A4 size print which has significantly larger boarders on the sides than the top and bottom.


21cm x 30cm, 8.3inches x 11.7inches, 30cm x 40cm, 11.8inches x 15.8inches, 40cm x 60cm, 15.8inches x 23.6inches, 28cm x 35cm, 11.0inches x 13.8inches


Print only